sábado, 9 de abril de 2011


are the remains, imprints, or traces of prehistoric organism.

are fossils in wich the spaces in side are filled with minerals.

Carbon film:
is a thin carbon residue is left, forming a silhouette of the original organism.


the hard part of a might decay or dissolve, leaving behind a cavity in the rock.

mineral-rich water or other sediment might enter the cavity, form a new rock, and produce a copy.

Index Fossil:
are the remains of especies that existed on earth for relatively periods of time.

Principle super Deposition:
in undisturbed of rocks, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the rocks become progressively younger toward the top.

Relative Age:
it age comparison to other things.

gaps in rock sequences.

Absolute age:
is the age, in years, of arock or other object.

Radioactive decay:
isotopes are unstable and break down into other isotopes and particles.

is the time it takes for half of the atoms in the isotope to decay.

Radiometric dating:
by measuring the radio parent isotope to the daughter product in a mineral knowing the half-life of the parent in many cases you can calculate the absolute age of the rocks.

states that eath processes occuring today are similar to those occured in the past

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